About a five-minute drive from my house is the most amazing RV/trailer park.
It's on PRIME REAL ESTATE - an amazing bluff overlooking the ocean - with million dollar views.
I have a special place in my heart for it because it helped to inspire an important story element in
The Small Adventure of Popeye and Elvis. (There is a motorhome in the story.)
You might remember
these photos.
Or these.
I'm sure some day there will be high-rise condominiums there - or a fancy schmancy gated community called Oceanview Estates.
But for now - it is FUNKY.
I walk my dogs through there year-round.
I love watching the seasonal changes.
In the summer, the joint is jumping.
Lawn chairs circled around campfires.
Barbecue grills. Bicycles. Card tables. Tomato plants in pots. Coolers full of beer. Whirlygigs and Red Sox banners. Kids and dogs and retired folks.
Then, in the fall, slowly slowly slowly.....the RVs drive away.
The trailers are boarded up.
They pack up the barbecue grills and the bicycles...
And everyone leaves.
Then, in the spring, slowly slowly slowly....the RVs come back.
The trailers are opened up and aired out.
The grills come out and the lawn chairs are set up.
And the joint jumps again!
I walked through there today.
It's starting to come back to life again!
Next time I go there, I'm going to take a video of it for you (with that
Flip Video I had to have and never use).