Confession time.
I had two food-related cravings when I was pregnant 22 years ago.
1. Biscuits from Kentucky Fried Chicken
2. General Foods International Instant Coffee - but
only Cafe Francais flavor
I still have one of those biscuits every now and then.
But I drink that "coffee" EVERY DAY.
Every. Day.
I know, I know.....
Two of the primary ingredients are dipotassium phosphate and maltodextrin.
I even took a can with me to Europe.
Imagine sitting in a Parisian cafe, ordering hot water, and whipping out your can of Cafe Francais. Ha! (Hey, it says right on the can "inspired by the cafes of France" - so there!)
My family still laughs about the time not that long ago when, for some reason, I was convinced that they were going to discontinue it and I bought a gazillion cans to stock up.
I had another scare yesterday.
They changed the label on the can and made me panic because I thought they had done something drastic.
But they just changed the label. (New label is on the right)

(And notice that now they call it "Coffeehouse Beverage Mix" instead of "Coffee Drink Mix.")