Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

At the dump today

Tooley Graham and his friend were at the dump today. I hope somebody took them home.

Bog Bees

It's that time of year.....bee hives at the bogs.

This is as close as I'm getting. I've been stung by those suckers before.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Audio book give-away

I'm going to be busy

One of my simple pleasures in life is doing the Boston Globe Sunday crossword puzzle.

I look forward to it every week.

I savor it....curling up with a cup of coffee and working on it during the afternoon.

But with my recent thumb surgery, I haven't been able to write.

I tried doing one but couldn't.

So now, I have them saved up.

I'm going to be busy.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Audio book give-away

I'm giving away an audio copy of The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester.

All you have to do is email me your name (barbaraoconnor at mac dot com)


Leave your name and email address in the comments section.

That's it!

I'll be drawing names July 8.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Naughty Ruby

Me: Ruby O'Connor! Are you after those chipmunks in my garden again!

Ruby: Absolutely not! Why do you ask?

Friday, June 17, 2011

My OMD strikes again

My family kids me ruthlessly about my Obsessive Manual Disorder.

It's true.

Today I got a new electric can opener (my third..ask me if you need any recommendations).

My husband: I suppose you're going to read the manual.

Me: Uh, duh...YEAH!!!

You need to know the that retractable cord thing.

P.S. That expensive Cuisinart one is crapola.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

My husband and I honeymooned at the Camelback Inn in Scotsdale, Arizona. This little thing was a guest gift in our room. I can't even remember what was in it, but I love it because it reminds me so much of those lovely days.

It sits over my stove, so I see it a lot!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Naughty Ruby

Me: Ruby O'Connor! Have you been chewing on my slipper again?

Ruby: Absolutely not! Why do you ask?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Water Wonder 4000

This is the real little two-man submarine that inspired the Water Wonder 4000 in The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester.

Isn't it cute?

It's made by International VentureCraft Corp

It can be yours for $58,000.

Monday, June 13, 2011

I love kids

From a fan:

Are you going to write any more books? If you do, I have an idea: The Secrets of the Music Room. It would be about when 12-year-old Jack starts school and he finds some secrets of the music room.

I love kids.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Food pusher

See how handy? (I realize that dinner looks kind of like prison food...)

Restoring one's faith....

My husband recently left his belt in a bin at the security checkpoint at the Buffalo Airport. It had a silver buckle with an engraved buffalo that he has had for a long time and is a favorite. (He's from Buffalo.)

I offered to call the airport but my husband was uncharacteristically negative. He texted me (censored to protect the innocent):

"Darn it all. With a buffalo on sterling darn buckle nobody [in Buffalo] is going to turn the darn thing in."

I answered in an uncharacteristically optimistic way:

"But u never know. Keep the faith."

Not only did they have the belt, but they returned the belt, along with a lost-and-found form that needed to be signed - and they put a STAMP on the return envelope.

See? u never know. Keep the faith.

Monday, June 6, 2011

How convenient

While struggling to eat a salad with my left hand the other day (due to cast on right hand), I remembered that my husband has a collection of antique silver food pushers.

How convenient!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


In honor of my next book, which involves homing pigeons...and one particularly naughty one named Sherman, my son sent me this, viewed from a restaurant in Brooklyn.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011