Friday, November 13, 2015

Audacity Jones to the Rescue


I love this one so much.

Why, you might ask?

Well, first of all, it's KIRBY LARSON, y'all.

I started circling sentences I loved and before long the whole dang book was circled.

For instance, "Miss Maisie's barley-water breath traveled the length of the scarred mahogany table arriving well before her reprimand."

"Miss Maisie's smile wobbled in her pasty face."

"He felt the wings of freedom sprouting at his shoulders."

And it's funny.

"I don't like danger," said Bimmy. "It's too dangerous."

"Her sit-upon especially ached."

The descriptive details are luscious.

"...the scent of the desert about him."

"...the gray flannel afternoon sky.."
The word choices are perfection.
Olfactory conundrum
It's adventurous
and mysterious
and a darn good yarn. 
There's a character named Mrs. O'Connor who was named after me! (But that in no way influenced my opinion of this lovely book -  but might have made me love Kirby Larson a SQUINCH more than I did before, if that's possible.)
So run,
Don't walk,
To your nearest indie bookstore
For this one.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Shout-Out to Lamar County Elementary School

Just had the BEST school visit I've had in a long time.

Thank you, Lamar County Elementary School in Barnesville, Georgia,  for making my visit so special.

(And thank you, Mrs. James, for making it possible.)

They gave me the BEST gift basket.

With principal, Dr. Scandrett

Being interviewed. Great job, guys!

With the BEST library media specialists, Claudia Bryan and Betty Smith.

Thank you, Lamar County Elementary School!!