Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Beer in the rear

I realized summer was slip sliding away and we hadn't cooked a beer-in-the-rear chicken yet.

So, that's what we did.

I pour off half the beer and then add barbecue sauce to the can. (Note from experience: a Heinekin can does not fit into this contraption.)

Waiting patiently.
Ah, the last sweet evenings of summer...

Done! Perfection!

But, um, be sure and remember to take the meat thermometer out of the pan before you cook the chicken. Heh...


Kirby Larson said...

You're a literary genius; you can't be bothered with little details like thermometers.

Susan Taylor Brown said...

Okay, so I'm not the cook in the family and I can't figure out how this works. The beer (I typed bear first - lol) and the sauce bubble up and out of the can? Would it work on a gas grill do you think? (Out here in CA we BBQ all year around.)

Barbara O'Connor said...

Yes, Susan, the beer and bbq sauce bubbles up inside the chicken. It's delicious.