Ramblings about children's books (and sometimes some other stuff) from author Barbara O'Connor
Have you seen Lois Lowry's blog about cleaning out her pantry?!? So much corn meal...so little time! You should check it out!
I think that jar on the right has something breathing in there.
You and your husband aren't big pickle eaters, are you? I don't have that problem in my house. We go through pickles so fast, I have a hard time keeping them in the house. My husband and son will eat them as a snack and with lunch and dinner meals.
Susanne: Ha! I guess we are in our minds but not in reality. Go figure.
I think there's a pickle collector in your future. . .and Dill would be a great name for him/her!
This post inspires me to tell the story of our recent salad dressing problem...but I think you already know the plot...
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Have you seen Lois Lowry's blog about cleaning out her pantry?!? So much corn meal...so little time! You should check it out!
I think that jar on the right has something breathing in there.
You and your husband aren't big pickle eaters, are you? I don't have that problem in my house. We go through pickles so fast, I have a hard time keeping them in the house. My husband and son will eat them as a snack and with lunch and dinner meals.
Susanne: Ha! I guess we are in our minds but not in reality. Go figure.
I think there's a pickle collector in your future. . .and Dill would be a great name for him/her!
This post inspires me to tell the story of our recent salad dressing problem...but I think you already know the plot...
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