Friday, November 9, 2007

Feelin' the love

I'm conducting a biography writing workshop with fifth graders at a wonderful school in Canton, MA. This is my fourth year at that school.

These folks are 100% committed to this program and are a joy to work with. And the children reap the rewards by producing terrific biographies of parents and grandparents, experiencing the pleasure of mastering a new skill and "kickin' it up a notch" with their writing.

Yesterday those good folks gave me a birthday party - complete with the best dang cake ever!

I am so feelin' the love!

(Going around table, starting on the left, are: Nancy Mark, Margaret Mansfield, Betsy Persson, Jennifer Henderson, and Jan Chamberlain)


jama said...

Happy Belated Birthday!
How does it feel to be 29?

Barbara O'Connor said...

Thank you, Jama. (And actually, my birthday is TODAY!)

29 feels wonderful (If I remember correctly. ha!)